


 Real Name: Joaquin Trujillo

Classification: Super Villain

Species: Human > GenMod

Group Affiliation: Tiburon Cartel. La Sangra. The Conspiracy.

Jaoquin was a farmer whose Mexican village was massacred by the Tiburon Drug Cartel for refusing to manufacture drugs. He survived the attack by being found by the evil geneticist Dr. Van Zandt who nursed him back to health but also kept him as a prisoner while performing genetic modifications on him that mixed his DNA with various animals … generally, that of Vampire Bats.

Like most of his “works of art”, Dr. Van Zandt released him for the world to see.

He sought revenge against the Tiburon Cartel by attacking one of their drug compounds. That compound was guarded by members of a blood cult known as La Sangra. When members of La Sangra saw Jaoquin’s appearance, they knelt before him, believing him to be a man-bat messiah prophesized in their religious scriptures. Some members convinced him to go along with them and meet their high-priest by showing him tattoos of their man-bat messiah that closely resembles him.

After meeting with the high priest of their blood cult, the high priest was instructed by the consciousness he speaks to, to sacrifice himself so that Joaquin can take over as high priest and leader of La Sangra. A cult that worships a mythical blood demon named Sangra.

Immediately after, Joaquin was able to hear the consciousness; it convinced him to go along with the ruse by promising to give him a position of power when the Helfuriians take over the world, as well as bloody revenge on the Tiburon Cartel when the time comes.

The consciousness that speaks to him is a group of telepathic souls known as the Collective that are able to communicate with him from the Ambient Dimension: the source of all energy in the universe. They belong to an extraterrestrial race called the Helfuriians who are trying to conquer mankind through a secret society called the Conspiracy. The collective has spoken to humans for millennia, often disguising themselves as the voices of Gods or Angels to incite many religious wars.

Vampiro took over leadership of La Sangra and works alongside the Tiburon Cartel to secretly gather information to be used against them in the future.

Jaoquin’s vampire bat DNA requires that he feeds on blood. He uses members of La Sangra to bring him ceremonial sacrifices to feed his blood hunger. The Tiburon Cartel also often pays him in blood.


Vampiro is a GenMod (Short for Genetically Modified). His DNA has been spliced with animal DNA, mostly that of vampire bats.

  • He has increased muscle fibers that give him enhanced strength and invulnerability.
  • He can sprout bat wings from his back that allow him to fly.
  • He has thermoreceptors in his nose that allow him to detect body heat.
  • He has the ability of echo location.



Vampiro is Copyright of Isaiah Rivera — All Rights Reserved.

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