

Real Name: Kenneth Richardson

Classification: Superhero

Group Affiliation: The Youngsters (Leader)

Species: Human > Ambient Being > Immaculate

Kenneth’s mother was part of a British government experiment that involved constantly exposing female secret agents to Ambient Stone in hopes of causing an immaculate conception: a phenomenon where radiation from Ambient Stone causes a life to form in the womb.

This life is an Ambient Being, which means his/her cells will absorb energy from the Ambient Dimension and convert it a unique power set. This ability activates at puberty. Kenneth’s mom is the only one of the participants to have a successful immaculate conception.

Female secret agents were chosen because they showed no interest in marriage or having children. Their commitment was to their careers. This would make it easier for them to relinquish custody of their child to the government.

Kenneth’s mother did become attached to him and took on a role as his mentor; not letting him know their true relationship until right before her untimely death during a mission they had together.

Raised since birth to be a government agent, Kenneth had no problem agreeing to become a member of the international group of youth superheroes called The Youngsters on behalf of the British government. Because of his high intellect and stone cold adherence to logic and objectivity, he was chosen to lead the team.

The death of his mother and his unusual childhood has caused psychological issues that he constantly tries to repress. Being around other young people for the first time in his life also feels really alien to him and he is adjusting to it while maintaining his sense of rational thinking.


Kenneth Richardson is an Ambient Being; his cells absorb energy from the Ambient Dimension and convert it into his unique power set.

  • He is constantly absorbing information and can retain unlimited amounts of it. This makes him a literal human encyclopedia of various types of knowledge and skills: Martial Arts, military weaponry, science, philosophy, history, psychology, etc.
  • He is a master tactician. He has been banned from various chess leagues because this ability is deemed to give him an unfair advantage.
  • He can convert his body’s natural electrical impulses into an organic binary code that can create programs capable of manipulating computer systems and other human beings. He can transfer the code by touching a human being or a computer.

Code is Copyright of Isaiah Rivera — All Rights Reserved.